Spelt and Honey Rock Cakes

I have been preoccupied with ancient grains since writing our post on Ethiopian grain Teff last November. Our healthy eating series in the new year included Noah’s Pudding and today we revisit that recipe’s main ingredient, spelt.


A member of the farro family and descendent of ancient wheat Emmer, Spelt has formed a staple part of the human diet since the Bronze Age when it spread through central Europe. In the Iron Age spelt became the main wheat species in southern Germany and Switzerland, finally landing in Southern Britain around 500 BC. It continued to be popular until 1786 when Scottish engineer Andrew Meikle invented the threshing machine. Sadly the tougher husk of the spelt could not be removed by this new work saving device and it gradually fell out of favour.

200 years on and spelt was adopted by the organic food movement as it requires fewer fertilizers, although lower yield and a lengthier preparation process make it a pricier alternative for consumers. With a lower G.I. rating, higher levels of phenolic compounds and decent amounts of sulphur, potassium, niacin, B6 and beta-carotene – it is now being hailed as the latest ‘superfood’ and takes centre stage in a recent trend for heritage ingredients.

Spelt has a flavour reminiscent of peanut butter and a wonderfully crumbly texture. Classically matched with honey it sits perfectly alongside oranges, walnuts, hazelnuts and the darkest of dark chocolate. I have combined it with a standard white flour to lend a lighter quality. This recipe makes around 12 rock cakes ideal for an afternoon tea break.



  • 220g white self raising flour
  • 110g wholemeal spelt flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 150g butter
  • 120g chopped dates
  • 1 orange
  • 3 tbsp honey
  • 1 egg
  • 3-4 tbsp milk


  1. Preheat oven to 200C. Grease/line a baking tray.
  2. Combine the two flours and baking powder. Rub in the butter to fine breadcrumb texture. Stir in dates and the zest of your orange.
  3. In a large jug whisk 1tbsp of juice from the orange with the honey, egg and 3 tbsp of milk. Add to the dry ingredients and mix to a stiff dough. Use a little more milk if necessary.
  4. Pull of small, golf ball size pieces and space out on the tray. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes until golden brown and cooked through. Will keep for up to a week in a tin.


Ginger and A Grateful Pudding

May I with an apology. It has been a while since my last post and I promise to resume the momentum once again. Here in York we have been experiencing a harsh drop in temperatures, though thankfully not much snow. Such weather always throws me in to the kitchen in search of satisfying puddings, dried fruit and warm spices. So, in a break from the Healthy Eating series throughout January, I am going to share with you my favourite spice and a wonderfully named baked pudding.

Ginger is initially believed to have been imported for use in Ancient Rome from India ( via its native China) until the fall of the Roman empire in the 5th century. Arab traders then took control of the spice routes from the East and planted the rhizome in Africa and Zanzibar, trading with Greeks and Romans and introducing the spice to Europe along the way. Marco Polo  also obtained ginger on his travels around Central Asia and China, and so began our worldwide love affair with Zingiber officinale.

First utilised as a medicinal plant, Ginger can be found in the anglo saxon manuscript Balds Leechbook alongside silk, frankincense, blood letting and buck’s liver as possible treatments for poor health. In the later medieval period, as diet and health is inexorably linked to the four humors, the spicy heat of ginger gave it a dangerous quality. It has often been included in aphrodisiac consumables such as gingerbread, or the fabulous sounding cordial Rosa Solis. In addition to cinnamon, ginger, clove and grains of paradise, this Italian cordial water held a suspension of coral, ground pearl and tiny flecks of pure gold. A more humble, delicious recipe for rhubarb and ginger cordial can be found in the Jamie Oliver Magazine. As regular readers know, my own passion for food history was sparked by medieval recipes for gingerbread, and in Gingerbread spice and all things nice I provide you with a spice mix for adding medieval flavour to any favourite baking recipe. Ginger also held great value great value as a digestif, to calm the system after eating and ‘close off’ the stomach a belief still in evidence today.

The recipe I have chosen this week makes very good use of ground ginger and is perfect for the chilly damp days of February. It is taken from the Victorian cookbook Everybody’s Pudding Book (1862) by Georgiana Hill. It was, I confess, the name which first drew me in to this dish, and the inclusion of ginger meant that I was always bound to have a go. The end result is reminiscent of a traditional suet dessert but lighter in texture and with the warmth of ground ginger running through.


A Grateful Pudding

Take half a pound each of breadcrumbs and dry flour, then beat the yolks of four eggs and the whites of two; mix them with half a pint of new milk; stir in the bread and flour; add half a pound of stoned raisins, half a pound of washed currants, a quarter of a pound of sugar, and a large spoonful of ground ginger. Mix thoroughly together and either bake it for three-quarters of an hour, or boil it for an hour and a half.

Please note: I whisked the eggs till light and frothy and reduced the dried fruit slightly. I then spooned the mixture into a baking tin and baked, sat in a bain-marie, for 45 minutes at 175C until lightly browned and cooked through.

A very British stoup

One of the things I love about winter is the endless bowls of warming soup. Solid, honest food that wraps you in a fleece blanket and puts the fire on as you eat. Dried pulses, root veg and aliums seem to be grown for this form of cookery and you can almost feel it doing you good whilst you slurp out of a big heavy mug.


The next choice for the Healthy Eating from History series is not so much a recipe as a flavour profile from a particular time and place. The 9th century to be exact, the Anglo Saxon / Viking era and the place is Yorvik. Archaeological finds have discovered small amounts of evidence regarding our diet and there is much documentation as to farming methods, in addition to knowledge regarding edible native plants.

Beans and peas have formed an important part of our diets for centuries, and it is believed to be the broad bean which was most commonly seen in Anglo Saxon England. Grown as a field crop they would be dried on the plant and stored throughout the year. Out of necessity, meals were meat free and beans provided an excellent source of protein in addition to complex carbohydrates. There is something ancient and nutritious about eating dried beans and other pulses and I am inevitably drawn to throwing them in my stoup. Mine were recently picked up from a Newcastle deli and are British grown by Hodmedods in the south.


The second main ingredient for today is leeks. Anglo Saxons are thought to have eaten a lot of wild aliums, the family including leeks, garlic and chive. They would also have access to carrots and parsnips, both would be thin, woody and white in colour as orange carrots had not reached the shores of England. My recent vegetable bag from Goodness contained a combination of white and yellow carrots so I chop them up and toss them in too.

Last but not least I look to archaeological evidence from the dig sites in York’s Coppergate area for inspiration with flavourings. Samples of plant finds confirm the use of both coriander and dill in seed and probably leaf form. As dill is excellent with leeks and carrots I take this gently aniseed route. I also cheat with a vegetable stock cube, bay leaf and seasoning.

NB: In the photographs below you will have noticed a lamb bone peeking out of the top of the stoup. It was left over from a roast the day before and any viking cook would never let such a flavourful addition go to waste so neither did I. It was an added bonus and obviously should not stop you from having a go in the absence of a juicy bone!


250g dried broad beans or split peas
4 medium leeks
2 tsp dill seeds
2 carrots
Vegetable stock cube
2 small bay leaves
Optional: random left over bone



Place the beans in a large pot and cover with plenty of water. Soak overnight.

The next day wash and slice the leeks. Fry gently in a large pan. Do not brown.

Whilst the leeks are cooking, chop the carrots and add to the pan along with the dill seed.

Cover the contents of the pan with one litre of water and stir in the vegetable stock cube and bay leaves. Bring to the boil then simmer for about an hour.

Towards the end of cooking time use a spoon to press and break up the broad beans. This releases the starch and thickens the stoup as you stir. Serve in whatever vessel you prefer.


Healthy Eating from History – Erbolate

Welcome to the second instalment of the Healthy Histories series. We kicked off 2015 with the toothsome pudding from Turkey called Asure. Today I share with you a dish of baked egg and herbs. A simple supper made for Richard II, Erbolate appeared in one of the earliest cookery books in England, A Forme of Cury from 1390.

Duck, Old Blue Cotswold and modern speckled brown chicken egg.

Duck, Old Blue Cotswold and modern speckled brown chicken egg.

From peahen to the much prized turtle, mankind has eaten eggs throughout culinary history. Extraordinary Roman chef Apicius, thriving in 25Bc, is thought to have invented many familiar egg recipes. He is the first to document a sweet baked egg custard. By the Middle ages eggs accompanied fish and almond milk as suitable alternatives to meat during fasting.

Many herbs from this period are no longer easily available and when they are found it is often in the context of herbal therapies. Indeed, many of the plants noted in this ‘receipt’ were likely included for their medicinal qualities.

Take and grind parsel, mynthe, sauery, sauge, tansey, veruain, clarey, rewe, ditaiyn, fenel and southernewood and grinde hem fyne.

Rue, Dittany and Southernwood are all extremely bitter tasting leaves which are toxic and should be used with extreme care. They were all believed to be beneficial to the digestive system as many bitter herbs were. In actual fact, Southernwood is the Mediterranean relative of Wormwood, infamous ingredient of absinthe and containing neuro-toxins. Tansy is another which should be used sparingly but will impart a unique aromatic flavour not dissimilar to nutmeg or clove. Tansy can be found growing wild across England if you are a confident forager.


Tansy – photographed on a guided foraging trip last year.

Clary, otherwise known as Clary Sage, was utilised by the Romans to make an eyewash and is believed to be good for easing muscle spasms. This is still in modern culinary and herbal use as is Vervain. Better known as Verbena, Vervain is thought to be one of the 38 plants used to make the tincture for Bach flower remedy.

The challenge when recreating Erbolate is matching the flavour profile with ingredients which are both flavoursome and easy to source. We are not as accustomed to bitter leaves here in Britain, though other parts of Europe still value them as part of a wide ranging diet. Frisee and dandelion leaves were excellent possibilities, along with the chicory and rocket I eventually decided upon. Parsley, Mint and Sage were obvious enough and I chose to add a little thyme to echo the qualities of the Dittany and Savoury. Finely, a little nutmeg grated sparingly over the top will do in the absence of Tansy.



or Baked Herb Omelette


  • 1 handful of rocket leaves
  • 1 chicory head
  • small amount of each fresh – thyme, parsley, mint, sage, fennel or tarrogan
  • 3 duck eggs
  • salt and nutmeg for seasoning


Serves two with salad

  • Preheat the oven to 175C.
  • Take a small baking dish and grease lightly with butter.
  • Gently tear the rocket leaves up and place them in the bottom. Break 2-3 blades from the bulb of chicory and lay them on top as seen in the picture below.


  • Finely chop the herbs and scatter on top of the chicory. Start with around about a loose teaspoon of each once finally chopped. You can then adjust according to personal taste if you wish.


  • Whisk the eggs and pour them over the herbs. Press everything down so that the chicory is coated and is less likely to catch in the oven. Chicken eggs could also be used, but I went with the more robust nature of duck eggs to stand up to the strong flavour of the other ingredients. Grate a little nutmeg over the top before placing in the oven. Bake for 20 – 25 minutes depending on how you like your eggs and the depth of your dish. Remove and serve. Leftovers can be eaten at room temperature the next day.


Healthy Eating from History – Noah’s Pudding


Asure (ash-oo-ray)


There are times when a new recipe develops through hours of research. Others flash into life from a simple word, smell or taste whilst I’m thinking of something completely unrelated. Then, like this one, inspiration visits me via someone else. Noah’s Pudding appeared in a novel my husband was reading, the main character prepared and served the dessert for dinner guests. The description included grains, pulses and dried fruits combined in a sweet, porridge like consistency. John thought it sounded tasty and the name itself had me hooked. It also served as the prompt for this new series of posts as we begin 2015. Healthy Eating from History aims to share a number of recipes which should help in the age old New Year quest of resetting our constitutions.

The story behind the dish makes Asure one of the oldest desserts in history. Legend tells that, in the last few days of life on the Ark, with waters receding and food stocks running low Noah himself threw everything in a pot and hoped for the best. Every cook has at some point found themselves in a similar situation and will understand the trepidation that comes with impromptu cooking. As it happens the Asure was a hit and provided tasty sustenance until the Ark found dry land on Mount Ararat.


Back in the 21st century, Asure is now a sweet dessert eaten on the day of Ashura during Muharram. Ashura is a day to remind Shia Muslims of the sacrifices the Prophet’s family made for the sake of mankind. In Turkey it has come to represent diversity, peace and friendship and it is customary to make a large pot and share it amongst neighbours and friends.

There is no standard recipe for Asure, although there are a number of ingredients which form the initial building blocks. These include wheat, pulses, dried fruit, nuts, sugar or honey to sweeten and aromatics such as rose, orange blossom or lemon peel. It is a perfect way of satisfying the sweet cravings of a cold day and uses up many of the store cupboard leftovers from Christmas. The following recipe is The History Girls version of Noah’s Pudding.

Noah’s Pudding


  • 130g pearled spelt
  • 100g tinned chickpeas
  • 70g pudding rice
  • 250ml skimmed milk
  • 350ml water
  • 1tbsp honey
  • 11/2 orange blossom water
  • small pinch ground cinnamon
  • 60g of a mixture of walnuts, pistachios and hazelnuts
  • 5 dried dates
  • 3 ready to eat figs
  • 20g sultanas

Almond slices, pomegranate seeds and pomegranate molasses to serve



  • Pour the spelt into a large container with just enough water to cover. Leave to soak overnight.
  • The following day combine the spelt, chickpeas and pudding rice in a medium sized pan with the milk and water. Stir well and bring to the boil. Simmer carefully for 10 minutes, covered, stirring regularly to help release the starches.
  • Whilst the grains are cooking, finely chop the nuts, dates and figs.
  • After 10 minutes check the pan and stir in the honey, orange blossom water and cinnamon. Simmer for another ten minutes stirring regularly until the spelt and rice is cooked through. Add a little more water if you wish the texture to be thinner.
  • Take everything off the heat and fold in the dried fruit and nuts. Taste for sweetness, using a little more honey if desired.
  • Serve at room temperature in small bowls. Scatter with almond slices and the tart pomegranate seeds and molasses


Gingerbread spice and all things nice….

For the second post in my Christmas series I take inspiration from Medieval flavourings to show how you can add a little sweetness and spice to your Christmas hosting. In addition to the wonderful gingerbread alluded to in the title I have tagged on a tasty alternative to your eggnog this year.


I have picked gingerbread as it was one of my first introductions to the medieval era and inspired one of my favourite edible gifts for Christmas. Early gingerbread delicacies were made from breadcrumbs (hence the name), honey and some spices, though not necessarily ginger. The ingredients would be boiled and then poured/pressed into elaborate moulds dusted with even more spices as a demonstration of wealth. These moulds were often carved in the image of the monarch of the time – and so the gingerbread man was born. By the early 1600’s chefs had also added red wine, brandy and of course, sugar. This in turn evolved into the cakes, biscuits and shortbread eaten today, though the strength of flavourings have become rather subdued over the centuries. Here I combine some of the original spice mixes of early Medieval cookery with the easier baking techniques of the 21st century to produce this mouth puckering gingerbread man for the child in all of us.

Giant Gingerbread Man

  • 300g self raising flour
  • 3 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp white pepper
  • half tsp cinnamon
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 50g butter
  • 3 tbsp golden syrup
  • 4 tbsp milk




  • Preheat the oven to 160C
  • Using baking parchment, draw a template of a large gingerbread man. He wants to be about 31cm high.
  • Warm the sugar, syrup and fat in a pan. Weigh out the flour, add the spices and pour in the melted ingredients. Add the milk.
  • Bring together into a soft dough and knead gently. Roll out to about an inch thick.
  • Using your template and a knife, draw the outline of a giant gingerbread man onto the dough. Make sure he is cut out properly and place on a non stick baking tray.
  • Bake for around 15 minutes or until lightly browned. Leave to cool slightly before placing on the cooling rack.
  • Decorate and wrap how you please!



After writing cards and wrapping presents nothing beats sitting in front of the fire, festive music on the stereo and warm drink in hand. My next offering is a delicious alternative to mulled wine and makes just enough to share with someone else whilst you squirrel up on the sofa. Again, the spices are typical of the period and would be utilised to great strength in order to demonstrate wealth and status. This recipe is adapted from one mentioned on website Medieval Cookery.

Buttered Beere

  • 1 bottle of real ale
  • 2 egg yolks
  • brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon each of ground nutmeg and ginger
  • 2 cloves
  • 4 tbsp of butter


In a medium sized pan whisk together the eggs and sugar. Pour on the ale and warm gently, whisking all the time. After 5 minutes add the spices and continue on a low simmer for 5 – 10 minutes more. Remove from the heat and whisk in the butter. Pour into mugs and serve hot.

Culinary Pleasures – A book review

Culinary Pleasures

Cookbooks and the Transformation of British Food

Nicola Humble


After the positive reception to my first book review; A History of Food in 100 Recipes I decided to share a very different, but equally enjoyable piece of work by author Nicola Humble. Nicola is an experienced lecturer at Roehampton University and quite obviously holds a passion for food literature.

Unlike ‘A History of Food’ this book was purchased by myself on a whim. Occasionally I develop an overriding desire to find something new and this urge is so overwhelming that, despite there being no more room in our home for more culinary literature, I can focus on nothing else until I have fulfilled the craving. I picked up the beautifully covered Culinary Pleasures on one such foraging trip. Sadly though, I then seem to have placed the book on my shelf without actually reading it, and it became one of those books I would glance at guiltily thinking, ‘when I have time, I really must pick you up.’

A recent retreat to a log fired, countryside cottage became such an opportunity and I did not regret choosing Nicola Humble as my companion for a week of reading and eating. The book introduces you to a variety of food writers beginning with the infamous Mrs Beeton and the food of Victorian England, and ending with the phenomenon of the celebrity chef and the food trends seen at the time the book was written, 2005. If nothing else it serves as an excellent reference  for budding foodies wishing to explore influential writers of the last 100 years. This is the least of it’s achievements however. Culinary Pleasures has the academic confidence that you might expect from an university lecturer but this is carefully tempered with an open, honest style which allows the reader to feel that they are standing in a room with Nicola, the cookbooks wide open on a table in front of them. In the process you are also guided through the development of the British diet and how, from two World Wars to Salmonella and B.S.E, the food we eat is irrevocably tied to the social and political issues of our time.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and, whilst the topic of food writing is one I am bound to be attracted to, feel that it is Ms Humble’s skill as an author which really makes this book stand out to me. It is a shame that she doesn’t seem to have published any more work since ‘Culinary Pleasures’ was released in 2005 as she seems to have a real flair for relating to the reader in a clear, but amusing manner.

Stir it up Sunday

Stir up, we beseech thee, the pudding in the pot

and when we get home we’ll eat the lot!

Here we are at the end of November and believe it or not, stir it up Sunday is upon us. As some one obsessed with food and social history Christmas is a dream. There is a wealth of ritual and culinary superstition to choose from and my favourite tradition has to be making my own cake and pudding.


The origins of stir it up Sunday and indeed, the children’s rhyme above, relate to a reading in The Book of Common Prayer written in 1549. Still used in church today this piece is read out on the last Sunday before Advent and just 4 Sundays before Christmas. At some point it became popular for the family to return home from church after the reading and begin this first step towards the festivities.

This time around I shall concentrate on the making of Christmas cake. I am keen to share my family recipe with you and if I tried to include pudding too I could still be writing this as we head into December. But if you would like to have a go you can’t go far wrong using the Be-Ro Rich Christmas Pudding as your mother ship. Have a go, play around with the ingredients and make it your own.

The Cake

The indulgent combination of dried fruit, butter and eggs can be found as far back as the middle ages. These ‘cakes’ were actually a fruit bread risen with ale-balm, so called as it was scooped from the top of the current batch of brewing ale. I once had the good fortune of recreating a ‘Plumb Cake’ from the 18th Century ‘Kidder’s Receipts’ with a pound of flour, six pounds of currants and a quart of ale-balm from local microbrewery Treboom. It had a pretty good rise and was a monster of a cake!


Packed full of dried fruits, spice and sugar,the fruitcake has always been a cake for times of celebration and wealth. Despite attempts by Oliver Cromwell and the puritans to ban it just a century before, as we reach the Georgian Era it can be found eaten as part of the Twelfth Night celebrations and covered with icing. It is then, as with many of our modern Christmas celebrations, the influence of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria which brings us the tradition of our rich fruitcake eaten today.

The recipe I share with you today started life with a Mrs Holman, neighbour to my Nan Beryl Reed. Mrs Holman provided celebration cakes for people in the village and passed on her fruitcake recipe to my Mum. It was used for both my Christening and Wedding cakes and has it’s foundations in that good old stalwart mentioned earlier, the Be-Ro baking book. In the hands of my Mum, Aunt and myself we have all scribbled our own little alterations on ingredients, method and cooking times. This is mine.

The Perfect Christmas Cake

  1. 10 oz softened butter
  2. 10 oz brown sugar
  3. 5 medium eggs, beaten
  4. 1 tbsp black treacle
  5. 1 tsp mixed spice
  6. 1/2 tsp white pepper
  7. 10 oz plain flour
  8. 2 oz ground almonds
  9. 2 1/2 lbs of dried fruit – currant, sultanas, raisins, glace cherries, dates
  10. Madeira wine for feeding


  1. Line and grease a 28cm (11 inch) round cake tin. Preheat your oven to 150C.
  2. Place all the dried fruit in a bowl and mix with a tablespoon or so of the flour to coat all the fruit. Set aside for later.


  1. Cream the butter and sugar in a large bowl. Spoon in the treacle before mixing in the eggs, a bit at a time. if the mixture starts to curdle add in a spoonful of flour and mix again.
  2. Fold in the rest of the flour, ground almonds and spices, then the dried fruit to finish. Don’t forget to make a wish!


  1. Bake for three and half to four hours or until firm on the top and a skewer comes out clean. Cover the top of the cake with a disk of greaseproof half way through to prevent burning.
  2. Feed twice a week with the Madeira until ready to eat.


Cheese please!


My passion for food history originates with an interest in traditional culinary techniques and, in particular, how to make the best of what the season has to offer.  It is for this reason that I have always wanted to have a go at making cheese.

There are many tips on line as to producing cheese from the comfort of your own kitchen stove. As a first try I plumped for the easiest technique requiring little specialist equipment. This is how I made a light, crumbly fresh cheese for the first time. It is a great introduction to a large field of expertise that you may, or not, choose to explore further.

Lemon-y cheese

(a little like caerphilly)

Equipment needed 

Sugar thermometer

Large pan

Muslin cloth and sieve

For the cheese

1 litre unhomogenised full fat milk

Juice of 2 – 3 large lemons

salt flakes

herbs or spices for flavouring

  • Warm the milk gently in the large pan. You want to reach 74F without boiling. Stir regularly to prevent the milk from scalding on the bottom of the pan.
  • When at 74F take the pan off the heat. Pour in the juice of 2 lemons and stir well. You will see the milk start to curdle. Leave to stand for 20 minutes whilst you have a cup of tea.
  • Check what should now be curds and whey in your pan. If the whey (liquid) is clear and the curd (solids) are obviously seperated then you are ready to move onto the next stage. If not you could add the juice of the 3rd lemon and leave to stand again.
  • Line the sieve with muslin and stand over a jug or bowl. Pour the curds and whey into the sieve, collecting the liquid in your jug. Bring the edges of the muslin up and round to create a bag shape. Leave to drain completely for an hour or so.


  • Return to your cheese and squeeze the top a little to get rid of the last of the whey. Tip it out into a bowl. Using a fork mix in salt, fresh herbs etc to taste. Press the cheese down into the base of your bowl and cover.
  • The cheese should last 1 -2 weeks in the fridge.


I was suitably impressed with the ease of this recipe. You can also use vinegar or rennet instead of the lemon juice if you wish, but you MUST use unhomogenised milk. Once you’ve tracked that down it is plain sailing!

Teff: An ancient grain for a modern recipe


I have recently been lucky enough to write a guest blog for my favourite local wholefoods shop. It is going to be a good while before the piece appears but I couldn’t wait to share a new recipe with you guys in the meantime. If you have seen any of my demonstrations you are probably aware of my scepticism when it comes to the hype surrounding ‘new’ food trends. Food history has taught me that just about everything has been done before and in fact, many of these ingredients or recipes originate from a peasant background of necessity. Teff couldn’t be a better example of this.

Teff is a traditional Ethiopian grain, playing a quiet but crucial role in providing essential minerals, protein and carbohydrate to the region for centuries. It is the main ingredient in the national bread Injera, a fermented, unleavened pancake of a bread made from a sourdough starter. Recently western health food markets have picked up on its gluten free, nutrition packed qualities and are touting it as the next superfood. It has a light toasty flavour reminiscent of cocoa and hazelnuts that works wonderfully well with a cup of tea. So, in recognition of this ancient grain, I have developed a super easy gluten free treat which allows the taste of the Teff to shine. These melt in the mouth biscuits are wonderfully short and not so sweet.


Hazelnut and Teff gluten free biscuits

Makes at least 12 biscuits

175g Teff flour
1 1/2 tablespoon baking powder
Pinch of salt
50g ground roasted hazelnuts
50g light brown sugar
150g butter or margarine

Preheat oven to 180C.

Mix dry ingredients in a large mixing bowl. Rub in the butter to the texture of fine breadcrumbs before bringing together into a ball of dough. If the mixture is too dry add a drop of water.

Cover your work surface with a large sheet of greaseproof paper. Place the dough on the paper and roll out thinly. Cut out small biscuit shapes and place on a non stick baking tray.

Bake for 15 minutes. Leave on the baking tray to cool as they are very fragile when hot.